Cauliflower rice is fast made, very healthy and a great low carb alternative to traditional rice. A simple and low calorie low carb side dish.

Cauliflower rice - a healthy low carb garnish

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I'm asking me just why there was no recipe for cauliflower rice on my blog so far. I love the low carb rice substitute, which tastes delicious cauliflower with delicious toppings. Whether for Thai curry, for chicken vegetables or as a salad - the vegetable rice is a real alternative to traditional rice. And also for children, the cabbage variant is great. So what are we waiting for?

Low Carb Substitutes

There are so many low carb alternatives to wheat products and I've already tried a few. For example, there is the so-called konjac rice , which is made from the konjac root. Low carb noodles are also available in the Konjak variant. But sometimes among us - with Konjakprodukten you can hunt me. I do not like them at all!

Much, I'd rather like low carb alternatives from vegetables. You know what's coming! Oh yeah, my beloved zucchini noodles. For me THE alternative to pasta. Wonderfully crisp, healthy, filling and with the right sauce simply heavenly delicious!

And you can also prepare rice from vegetables. Very easy, fast and without precooking! Incidentally, the preparation does not take longer than cooking rice.

Forget about the glibberry Konjac rice and give the cauliflower a chance.

Cauliflower rice - the low carb classic

Then you want Let's get started! Take a medium sized cauliflower. It is split into larger pods and chopped in portions in the blender until it has approximately rice size.

Now it's time to sear. For this I use coconut oil, which gives the cauliflower a great basic taste. In the pan, the cauliflower rice is fried for about six minutes over medium heat. Then season with salt and pepper and your low carb rice is ready!

I still add some lime juice and mixed herbs (for example coriander) to my cauliflower rice.

Freezing Cauliflower Rice

Cauliflower rice is a great way to freeze. It is best to fill it with frozen cans or freezer bags immediately after chopping.

Dish: Supplement
servings : 4 People
author : palate friend
  • 1 cauliflower
  • 1 EL Coconut oil
  • salt
  • pepper
  • 1 TL Lime Juice
  • 1 EL chopped herbs eg Coriander
  1. For the cauliflower rice, first divide the cauliflower into larger florets. Then chop in a blender until rice-sized pieces are formed.

  • With Add salt and pepper and fold in the lime juice and herbs.

  • Good to know

    2 WW SmartPoints per person

    Pssst, I'll tell you something! Already on monday my first blog-recipe with the cabbage-rice substitute ♥

    Let's taste the cauliflower rice!

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